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My Literature Discussion, or how Julian Assange has qualities similar to Jesus, and other such men.

April 6, 2012

Okay, so in literature class we discussed how the creator, or may-haps co-creator of wikileaks is somewhat similar to Jesus Christ, not in the son of god, (perhaps son of god anyhow, depending on your view) sort of way, but in the exposing of societies faults and then charged criminally sort of way. Now, the discussion was about how people who expose faults in society either need to be incredibly low down on the chain, so no one cares; a made up character, so no one thinks it is the author himself; or powerful and influential, so they can make a difference and escape too many consequences.

Now, many people we know of have become the third type. Jesus Christ, even if you are thinking on a non religious stand point, exposed truths in his society. He pointed out the corruption of the old kings and monarchs, and showed how they were sinning, as well as other such people. He promoted the truth, according to god anyhow, of being honest to each other, of not lying or trying to get money. He, in a sort of way, wanted an open government policy, he wanted the men in charge to tell their people everything that was going on. He was very much so an activist.

Now, I think I shalt probably use a few more examples than just Assange, but he is a rather good one. He is an activist in multiple countries for trying to get out governments not to lie to us. Although he is doing this through computers instead of say talking to people, he has also done seminars talks and speeches to people about the corruption in our world. He has been persecuted for it too, being put in Jail, and charged for his speaking out against the government. This, if I recall correctly, also happened to Jesus in his pursuit for truth. Now, I am not saying that he is the next coming of Christ, that would be preposterous and I’m thinking that the man himself would disagree. I am just saying that it is curious how men who fulfill this role, of trying to bring honesty to a corrupt world, and who are successful with it, are persecuted so heavily.

Any man, or woman for that matter, who was tried to change a corruption of government or state, meets with difficulties. But, the more predominant the person, the harder it is for them to change things. Gandhi, the man who brought India independence, was locked up for a long time, beaten, and starved (though starvation was his own choice). He was forced to take out many prison sentences for the benefit of his country, to free them from the oppressive British Control. He knew of their corruption, and tried to tell his people the honest truth, of how they could make cloth for themselves, they could not pay tax on tea FROM INDIA, and how they could make salt for themselves, without the British’s help. He was a bringer of truths, and in popular opinion was loved. Of course he was loved, for people whom speak the truth have society at large on their side.

Which, I think is my last curious thought. Why is it that the general group of society loves men like this. Think of the most loved people of all time, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ, even George Washington, they all had the majority of the people on their sides. They all wanted the oppressive leaders to be more honest, or at least less oppressive. But, how come then, that the small group of people in charge could not just be annexed by the much larger people who wanted truth. The lower class always seems to want truth, and yet, there is enough of them to at any point over through the people in charge. I always wonder why it’s so hard to rally a group of people together who complain about being used so much, yet do nothing. I think this is why perhaps the great men have to take on heavy burdens, and face consequences. Society needs a person to look to for ideas, and if they suffer, or martyr, society may then feel as though they too have suffered, and now need to repay the person who has done so. I wonder anyhow, sometimes.

So, yeah, this was my literature discussion. I’m sure it’s not 100% perfect, gosh, but of course, but it was a neat chat. Hope you enjoy.


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