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April 10th

April 10, 2012
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Oh, soliloquy why art thou so hard to remember?  i need to learn the fancy speech from Hamlet, the one that includes FRAILTY THY NAME IS WOMAN, which coincidentally is where I can remember it up to.. just saying 😛 so, I am spending this block learning the fancy soliloquy, and  shirking off my responsibilities of doing you know, tourism, which would be the right thing to do.. yeah, I suck as a person, sorry.

So, what are good ways to remember this? I wonder, sometimes, what is the best way of going about it. mnemonics, or like, maybe turning it into a song. Reciting it super a lot of the time over and over again?  I suck at remembering things, just saying, so, well, I guess I wish myself luck.

I really should not blog durring the middle of the day, nothing exciting has occured, so I guess I shalt have to do this twice. My general plans for today are to stalk my friends date, to make sure she is not raped, and watch breaking bad, that show about meth labs. It seriously makes meth labs look like the best way of going about life, just saying. So, yeah, meth is bad. But, watch the show its effing funny.

cheers for now = D

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