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#17 Blood

April 30, 2012

Blood, gore guts are gruesome spooks
Ghosts guts gruesomes overlooked
Spilled around on this empty floor
Oh sblood, there happens to be more
Creepy crawlies and wicked crooks
Over contemptful looks
Horror stories told at night
Given the most terrible fright
Easily spilt, no more easily saught
Something not to be taught
Blood guts bile and blood
Can only be cleaned by a terrible flood

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  1. May 4, 2012 8:26 pm

    Yo, semite sam! (which would be much punnier if you were jewish)
    I wish to inform you, that your best webcomic link does not lead to string theory the comic, but in fact sends clickers to a site about — you have guessed it — string theory! Which is good. But perhaps not what you intended. Notice made!

Please, tell me all that's wrong with my brain :)